
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Someone in China read my blog?

This morning I decided to investigate all the little tab thingeys on the management side of my blog. Normally, the only one I really look at is the stat tab.  After not posting very frequently in my previous life, I now post with semi-regularity and finally got over the fear of really telling anyone I had posted! Duh, you want to know someone is reading it, it pays to let someone know it exists! Slowly but surely, the read count has gone up, two comments have been made (thanks, June!) and today a new follower showed up (bless you, Chas, I love you).  In my excitement over seeing the new follower, I decided to spend some early morning time exploring all the other tabs to which the owner, not the readers, of the blog have access.

China? Someone read my blog in China??  Three times. Three times one person or one time three people is unclear, but one thing for sure, I don't know anyone in China, but do own a bunch of china.  Know someone who went to China--lovely Chinese couple here who are coming to dinner soon. Maybe they showed it to relatives while they were visiting there.

How about Russia? Five reads took place in Russia. Nope, don't know anyone who lives there and only one person who visited there a long time ago. Don't have any Russian china and don't want to go there myself after seeing photos on email this morning showing an incomprehensible amount of snow burying cars three times over. Can you say Siberia?

Poland I have been to and found a bit depressing. They are probably lovely people, but their border crossing was a real trial the four times I did it. Poland represents four of my 341 hits thus far. I do own some Polish china, only we call it pottery, a more fitting name for a folksy-looking polka dot pattern and plates heavy enough to be used for weight lifting.

Two hits apiece are listed for Spain, France and the Netherlands. Been there, done that. Worked my butt off in Rota, Spain, to open a new commissary; have three wonderful friends in France not to mention great shopping memories (no china, French pottery, shoes and clothing); been to the Netherlands many times to Schinnen for work and visits with friends.  So I do know people in all those places.

Three reads took place in the United Kingdom.  No big surprize there. Been there too many times to count and survived the left-handed driving so I'm here to tell about it. Know a bunch of people who go there or live there, even if on a rather transient basis.

Germany and the U.S. harbor my biggest fans, but Germany runs a very poor second with only 6 hits.  Until just a few months ago I lived there--for 17 years--so they should be getting on board a bit better, don't you think? The U.S. wins the count with 308 reads. In all fairness, my willingness to finally post my posts on Facebook is the number one reason my posts are being read and the number two is the fact that another blogger, graciously posted my blog address, did an awesome job of covering a month-long art project I and others from this area were involved in and, currently, is featuring me and my art done outside of that project.  Easily the biggest coverage my art has ever received. Thank you, Michael. Go look at it so Michael can see his visit count go up, too. It will make him feel good. If you go there after it comes down and is replaced by another artist, check out the archives for my name and also for FloCoiMo. You'll understand what that means after you get there.

Last, but not least, I have been read in Tajikistan. Did you know that the "stan" part of that word means land? Tajikis land.  Not sure who or what the Tajikis are, but I know my blog was being read there for a time by a Brit named Wally, who lives in Germany and is, at this very moment recovering from his latest visit to the Tajikis and packing his bags for Ireland where he will spend the holidays taking spectacular photographs of spectacular scenery and brightening my email with them. He will frequent the pubs and party with crazy people he met and loved earlier this year and regale me with stories of it as he goes. I hope he gets the really nice Christmas present he wants while he is there...but then, isn't just being there a nice Christmas present?

Merry Christmas to all my readers, whoever and wherever you are. Maybe I should be saying Happy Holidays!

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