
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Every day is art day

Sarah and Mara, two energetic, creative ladies in Floyd, came up with FloCoiMo, Floyd County Imagination Month, and challenged interested parties to contribute writing or art or photography or just about anything to the process.  After hesitating to do this thing, I jumped in with both hands and have been creating one mini artwork a day.  One smart jewelry maker decided to contribute one post a day to  Great idea! The only time someone reads my blog is when I send them a note saying...hey, go read my new piece! My family is not real blog savvy! So, here goes. I won't post every day, but each time I do this month, I'll add it to my contributions to FloCoiMo (gulp, scary making it so public). Here is one of my submissions. Each one is on watercolor paper 2.5" x 3.5". Go to for the rest of mine and many other excellent works of art and words from the other creative folks.  Also check out, the glue that brings us all together.

1 comment:

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